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Tyne Tees trailer, slide announcer Bill Steel & adverts 15th November 1986
Tyne Tees trailer, slide Bill Steel 13th October 1995
Tyne Tees in-vision continuity - Bill Steel - Fifty/Fifty titles - Summer 1986
Saturday 15th November 1986 ITV LWT - The Saturday Gang - Tyson - 3-2-1 - Crunchie - Batchelors
Tyne Tees menu, slides, adverts & announcer Neville Wanless in-vision 6th April 1986 2 of 2
Tyne Tees Adverts, Continuity and Closedown with Bill Steel - Sunday 28 December 1986
Tyne Tees menu, trailer, announcer Neville Wanless in-vision & adverts 9th August 1984 2 of 2
Tyne Tees adverts & Lookaround announcer Judi Lines in-vision 19th December 1986 1 of 4
Tyne Tees Bill Steel
LWT trailers, adverts & link Announcer Keith Harrision 30th March 1986 5 of 5
TVS trailers, adverts & link announcer Brian Nissen 5th December 1986 1 of 2
Anglia Continuity & Adverts | Sound Breakdown | 15th November 1986